Our team of experts is ready to provide top-notch solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today for a consultation and let us provide you a effective electric vehicle solution.

Let’s get connected

Please feel free to get in touch on the contact details provided below:

No. 4 Shijing Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China


    Join TYUMEI and Contribute to Global Low-Carbon Mobility

    AULION advocates for green travel. Its electric vehicles take storage batteries as auxiliary energy and realize pollution-free emissions, which can be environmental friendly and help lower carbon footprint. The constant progress of its battery technology is also further decreasing the energy consumption and environmental pollution.

    We Provide Professional
    Electric Vehicle Solutions.

    By fully considering the diversified demands of users, Aulion has designed different styles and functions of electric vehicles.

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